Sony has confirmed that the PS Plus Collection will be discontinued in May, bringing an end to the free library of games that were offered as an extra to PlayStation Plus subscribers on PS5. The PS Plus Collection included a number of Sony’s big first-party games and a few third-party extras that could be redeemed and added to your library, but it’ll be taken offline on May 9.
“We also wanted to provide an update on the PlayStation Plus Collection that has been offered as a benefit to PlayStation Plus members on PS5 since 2020,” Sony explained in a blog post. “On May 9 the PlayStation Plus Collection will no longer be offered. If you haven’t redeemed the titles in this collection yet, you can still do so until May 9, which will enable you to access those titles even after this date for as long as you remain a PlayStation Plus member. “
Sony says that it will focus efforts on adding new games to its PS Plus library of monthly games and its evolving Games Catalog, which is available as part of the PS Plus Premium and Extra tiers. In case you haven’t grabbed any of the games currently available in the PS Plus Library, here’s what you can download while still have a few months left on the clock: