On Thursday night (April 27), James Corden aired the emotional final episode of his late-night talk show. In honor of his eight-year run, the host welcomed a series of stars throughout the show, which was preceded by an hourlong primetime special dubbed The Last Last Late Late Show With James Corden.
“I’m James Corden, and for the last time, this is the Late Late Show,” the host said as the crowd cheered his name.
Leave it to Corden to lighten the mood – and keep it that way throughout both programs. He fittingly opened the special with a pre-taped musical number that began as a ballad, which he sang from the roof of the CBS lot.
“We’ve been here for eight years and we’ve had so many laughs,” he started, before the song transformed into a pop banger as he declared, “Let’s blow CBS dough one last time … Go big or go home on my last day in the sunshine.”
And that he did. Below are the best music moments from Corden’s double-feature final hurrah — including Tom Cruise making his stage musical debut, hitting the road with Adele for the final Carpool Karaoke, gathering all the current late-night hosts for one final goodbye, welcoming Harry Styles and Will Ferrell as his final guests, and closing the episode in song, of course.