The Wizarding World franchise made famous by the Harry Potter novels and films is getting a big-budget video game adaptation soon, with the release of Hogwarts Legacy. However, the game’s release has taken place in the shadow of the franchise’s creator. JK Rowling has become a prominent anti-transgender activist, using her considerable reach to consistently attack and belittle both individual transgender people and trans identity more broadly.
As a marginalized group, trans people are disproportionately targets of harassment and violence. In the United States and elsewhere, there is organized political activism centered around denying medical treatment and safe spaces to trans people. The consistent abuse contributes to an unhealthy environment for trans people, leading to higher-than-average rates of mental health issues and self-harm. Trans people need support and care, and that need will persist long past the release of any video game.
Below, you’ll find a brief list of some of the most prominent organizations committed to helping in the fight for trans equality, and for supporting those in crisis. Please consider donating.