On Wednesday and Thursday, Twitter’s internal Slack channels were suddenly shut down. Platformer reported that the company manually shut services off. Before that was confirmed, a Twitter employee posting on the anonymous workplace chat app Blind had speculated that it was also possible that Twitter had shut down employee access because it had stopped paying its Slack bills.
Whatever the reason driving Twitter’s decision to remove Slack access, it resulted in a very unproductive work day for some Twitter employees who were suddenly unable to communicate, Platformer reported. At the same time that employees lost Slack access, they also couldn’t access Jira, a tracking software that Platformer said engineers use to ship code and monitor progress on new features. Rather than being equipped to go “hardcore,” some decided to just take the day off. Other employees took two days off.
Apparently, Twitter told employees that the Slack channel was down for “routine maintenance,” but a Slack employee told Platformer that was “bullshit.”
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