In a bid to drum up excitement for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie, Paramount Pictures is resurrecting the original, ill-fated Sonic design for an ugly sweater that you can potentially win.
The sweepstakes is only open today, December 11, and wraps up at 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET, so anyone interested should enter the sweepstakes now before it’s too late. In addition to the ugly holiday sweater, fans can win prizes like Sonic-themed Rebook shoes and Jones soda, as well as Sonic Lego sets and Sonic plushies, among other things. Go to the sweepstakes website to learn more.
Something worth screaming about. 😱 Enter for a chance to win our exclusive #UglySonic sweater. The #12HoursOfSonic starts NOW. #SonicMovie3
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@SonicMovie) December 11, 2024
For anyone just catching up, when the first trailer for 2020’s Sonic the Hedgehog was released, fans immediately criticized the design of Sonic. Paramount later made the seemingly expensive and shocking announcement that it would delay the movie and redesign the titular hedgehog. Sonic’s new look was a received far more positively by fans, and the movie would go on to be a big success, leading to a franchise that has extended to film sequels and a TV show.